The curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Arts in English provides the student three options: 1) the literature option for students who wish to specialize in the study of literature, especially those preparing for a broad range of careers including graduate study in English or related fields; and 2) the writing option for students who wish to specialize in the study and production of expository and creative writing and rhetoric, in preparation for professional writing careers or graduate study; and 3) the English teaching option for students wishing to specialize in the study of literature, language, and composition as preparation for certification for secondary school teaching. 

There are many professional opportunities open to English graduates. In addition to teaching, professional schools (law and business, for example) consider the B.A. in English to be excellent preparation. The study of literature and effective writing is also useful in the areas of corporate management, personnel work, finance, consulting, journalism and public relations, Intermediate Tech Writing and editing, and many other fields, as various industries continue to seek people who are literate and articulate.