Bachelor of Applied Science Classes: Career-ready.

  • General Education Core ? Build on the core education subjects you started in your AAS with additional classes in communication, math, science, and humanities as part of your Bachelor of Applied Science degree.
  • Program of Study ? Advance the skills you developed in your AAS by choosing that program of study and completing 30 credits in courses that fit with that program.
  • Upper Level Credits ? Earn your BAS by completing at least 39 credits in 300-400 level classes.
Bachelor of Applied Science Career Outlook

Depending on the specific program of study you choose to pursue for your Bachelor of Applied Science degree, employment statistics vary. Regardless of the field, employers are increasingly looking for college graduates with comprehensive training in technology and communications. In addition, the BAS program at MSU-Northern gives you the flexibility to design your own degree, with support from an advisor. You can prepare yourself for advancement in your current career field or pursue something new.