Overall job opportunities for registered nurses are expected to be excellent, offering?the largest number of new jobs of any occupation in the United States. Positions for?registered nurses will be available in physician/provider offices, home health care?services, public and community health settings, nursing care facilities, and acute care?hospitals. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Registered nurses should be caring, sympathetic, responsible, and detail oriented. They?must be able to direct or supervise others, correctly assess patients? conditions, and determine?when consultation is required. They need emotional stability to cope with human?suffering, emergencies and other stresses.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing students:

  • Graduate with a broad background in sciences, liberal arts, and general education
  • Experience high-fidelity clinical simulation experiences in clinical simulation
  • Assist clients in remaining independent through care provided by nursing students in the department's Adult Health Maintenance Clinic
  • Participate in over 1,000 hours of clinical experience in urban and rural hospitals, nursing homes, community public health agencies and specialized facilities