• Relying on these different kinds of documents, historians develop interpretations of a wide range of the human experience, including scientific and technological breakthroughs, famines, the formation, evolution and conflicts of family groups, mass migrations, wars, cultural encounters, and revolutions.
  • Historians strive to write about such situations in a graceful style that combines clarity with probing analysis. Professional historians display their skills through teaching, lecturing, and providing expert guidance.
  • History majors can also expand their experiences by participating in exciting and life-altering activities and through which they can put their historical training and skills to work early on in their educational development. These activities include study abroad, participation in honor societies, and student publications.
  • History students are trained to be critical readers, good writers, and astute analysts. These qualities and skills are fundamental for success in business activities, public and professional careers, teaching, and advanced studies.
  • A major in history is highly valued in law, journalism, and other professional schools; it is immediately useful for work in museums, libraries, public service, and the business world. It is also instrumental in acquiring teaching certificates.