Students are taught to think and work as historians: to read critically and analytically both primary and secondary sources, to appreciate the complexity of historical issues and multiplicity of historical views, and to investigate a historical question or problem and communicate the results of that investigation. Through this broad preparation, history majors acquire essential knowledge and critical skills, which provide valuable assets for a wide spectrum of professions and occupations as well as the fundamental basis for advanced study.

Program objectives for a B.A. in History are: (a) a fundamental knowledge of the past, including key historical events, ideas, figures, movements, and periods; (b) an awareness of the diversity of historical experiences over time and space; (c) the ability to recognize, locate, analyze critically, and utilize primary and secondary sources; (d) the ability to recognize and evaluate differing historical interpretations and methodologies; (e) the ability to research a topic thoroughly using both primary and secondary sources, and to present a clear and well-written historical argument based on that research; (f) express a high degree of satisfaction with the quality of the education received in that program.