The program also serves the needs of students planning a career in the Foreign Service or related agencies of the federal government and students preparing for employment abroad in the private sector, or in international organizations, private or public. The program objectives are to: (a) learn key issues of contention related to the international system; (b) learn central economic, historical, and political concepts related to the study of the international system; (c) demonstrate competency in at least one modern foreign language; (e) be able to conduct and present scholarly research on international issues; (f) complete at least one internationally-related experiential learning activity.

The program emphasis is on the course work in history, political science, economics, and geography, with contributions from other social science disciplines and art. Within the program, the student is required to concentrate a part of the work in the field of American foreign policy or in one of five areas of the world. Students are encouraged to pursue the study of a foreign language and to seek opportunities for travel and study abroad. The student's program should be planned in consultation with the Director of International Studies.