Florida Tech's astrobiology degree program is the first and only undergraduate astrobiology program in the country.

Astrobiology degree graduates are ready for graduate studies in astrophysics, planetary science or biology, as well as careers in the aerospace or biotech-related industries. Whether you want to study the effects of space travel on humans, discover past or present microbial life on Mars, or help develop ways to sustain life on the moon, you will be well prepared with an astrobiology degree from Florida Tech. Here, you'll develop a strong background in physics and biology and get hands-on experience with space science technologies.

Build Professional Relationships

Beyond the classroom, astrobiology majors build leadership and professional experience through exciting internships and participation in academic organizations like Sigma Pi Sigma (national physics honor society), Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, the Student Astronomical Society, student government and over 100 other student organizations.

The faculty advisor to astrobiology program majors is a former astronaut who conducted astronomy research in two space shuttle missions. As a student in the program, your first year includes a freshman seminar that provides an excellent introduction to the career options and research areas open to students majoring in astrobiology.

Florida Tech professors encourage all students seeking an astrobiology degree to become involved in activities and research projects for immediate immersion in "real science," not just text learning. Students typically join a research group early in their study at Florida Tech and get experience in hands-on, high-caliber research. You'll also have the opportunity to undertake exciting independent or collaborative (with a peer or professor) research in a topic of your choosing. As a result, you get practical experience, an enhanced job search portfolio and the perfect preparation for graduate and professional school or employment.