Software engineers are the creative minds that analyze the needs of computer users in order to design and develop software applications to answer these needs. Software engineers are problem solvers who are building the digital landscape, creating everything from operating systems, Internet browsers and apps to applications that run machinery, assembly lines, ATM machines and specialized business processes.
A master’s in software engineering from Florida Tech provides graduates with a comprehensive background in mathematics, computer science and computer organization in order to become a software engineer. This degree gives students a disciplined, systematic approach to the field so they can implement and manage the development, maintenance and evolution of software products.

Exciting Careers

Graduates with a master’s degree in software engineering are needed in nearly every sector of the economy around the globe. Electronic Arts, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, GE and Zynga are just a few of the companies where Florida Tech graduates have started their careers. Popular career choices include engineering jobs in aerospace, automotive, medical, government agencies and the nuclear industry. As a Florida Tech graduate with a master’s in software engineering, students posses interdisciplinary skills and knowledge that is in demand by employers.