Medical research relies on biochemistry to identify the pathology of diseases and understand how our bodies react and change at the cellular level. Called the "chemistry of life," biochemists delve into the complex, chemical reactions that occur inside living organisms such as the study of amino acids and proteins, sugars or DNA and RNA.
With a master's in biochemistry from Florida Tech, graduates obtain expertise to enter challenging careers in medicine, veterinary medicine, blood analysis, detection of biomarkers for early disease diagnosis and pharmaceutical research. In addition, the American Chemical Society accredits the master's in biochemistry program.
Florida Tech is a top-tier research institution with state-of-the-art facilities and the latest in scientific technology. Research is the heart and soul of the master's in biochemistry program, providing students the chance to focus on biochemistry research topics of their choice.
Pairing classroom learning with hands-on research reflects what students in the master's in biochemistry program can expect in career settings. Working hand-in-hand with professors from the chemistry and biology departments, students are immersed in field work, lab work, instrument analysis and research that enhances society's understanding of disease pathology, neurological disorders, DNA replication, biotechnology, toxicology and more. External research collaborations can lead to research around the world on topics such as degenerative diseases, vision, cancer, neuroscience and more.