Americans' top sources of nutrition information are magazines, television, newspapers, and the internet. The print, broadcast, and electronic media are constantly seeking professionally-trained nutritionists who can communicate effectively. The same is true of public relations agencies, the food industry, and health and fitness centers. Community-based health promotion programs are also relying more and more on techniques of effective mass communication to influence behavior.

The Master's Degree Program in Nutrition Communication is a two-year academic program offered in partnership with the Tufts Master's Program in Health Communication, in collaboration with the Emerson College School of Communication, Management and Public Policy. It is designed to prepare graduates for the growing job opportunities available to professionals trained to communicate sound nutrition information effectively. The program combines the expertise of Tufts' own internationally recognized faculty, the unique skills of health communication experts at Emerson College, and the enormous breadth of knowledge available across all the Tufts campuses with a wealth of opportunities for related work experience. Together, the combination of academic courses and practical experience prepares graduates for exciting and rewarding careers in which effective communication makes a difference.