A traditional legal education is no longer sufficient to equip international lawyers with the tools they need to succeed in the complex field of international law. International lawyers need a broader contextual understanding, not only of the law but also of the societies and institutions in which international law is made, interpreted, and applied.

The Fletcher LL.M. program reflects these realities. It is therefore different from programs offered by traditional law schools. The program, focused exclusively on issues of public and private international law, offers nearly 30 courses taught by experts in international law with extensive real world experience. 

Fletcher’s law offerings are complemented by the multidisciplinary courses available in political science, history, business and economics courses that make up the Fletcher curriculum, affording students a unique depth and breadth of experience and a rich context for their legal studies. The program is limited in size, offering the opportunity for close faculty contract as well as a variety of special programs, including High Table symposia, a major piece of independent research, and a dedicated year-end retreat.