International Literary and Visual Studies Program Learning Objectives:

  • Language Preparation
  • Learn one foreign language through the 122- or fourth-year college level.
  • Begin or continue the study of at least one other language.
  • Cultural Competency
  • Be able to function in a foreign environment using one's language skills and cultural knowledge.
  • Gain a multi-cultural perspective of our world's problems and solutions.
  • Mastery of Literature, Film, and Visual Studies
  • Be able to understand and appreciate the literature, film, and visual arts of at least two different cultural areas.
  • Understand and be able to articulate the interplay between the various arts.
  • Know one's intellectual interests and be able to pursue them in a dedicated and productive fashion.
  • Develop one's creativity.
  • Do a culminating project senior year, preferably a senior honors thesis.