• M.S. in Economics: Course-Based track in Tufts University is an eight course program.
  • It can be completed in one year, without a thesis.
  • The master of science will allow students to do the following:
    • Use fundamental economics concepts such as scarcity, incentives, trade‐offs, opportunity costs, comparative advantage, price system, efficient allocation of resources, market failures, government failures, and scope of fiscal, monetary, and regulatory policies.
    • Both apply economic theory to a range of economic issues across a variety of fields and economics subdisciplines and also effectively communicate their analysis.
    • Use statistical and econometric methods—including data gathering, data analysis, and hypothesis testing—in applied empirical work.
    • Apply multivariate calculus and linear algebra to the study of economic issues, and to use mathematical tools to derive results in economic theory and econometrics.
    • Read, understand, and replicate research papers in economics.