In this major, students study the core areas of communication theory, public speaking, writing, group behavior, persuasion and interpersonal communication. Additional areas of study include intercultural communication, argumentation and classical, modern and postmodern rhetorical theory and method as applied to an American issue.Professionals in the field are civically engaged, critically analyze how people develop persuasive messages as well as how those messages affect public perception of the subject. They identify logical and ethical problems within persuasive messages, or with their effects on particular groups or communities and intervene to increase awareness and understanding.


Job titles related to this major include:

  • Political or non-governmental (NGO) campaigns strategist and lobbyist
  • Pre-Law/Legislative Assistant
  • Elected Official
  • Speech writer
  • Volunteer recruitment and management
  • Nonprofit administration and fundraising
  • Counseling and social services
  • Graduate study
  • Teaching
  • Consultant
  • Training and development
  • Human resources
  • Marketing, advertising sales and public relations
  • Management