Our task is to support our students in their pursuit of the?gold standard?in Culinology education. Culinology will be a universally recognized discipline, and its practitioners will shape the food industry. SMSU?s mission is to define the future of food through Culinology and the development of its practitioners. We will train students in developing unique and highly sought after skills, capable of creating new food products from a culinary perspective within a scientific setting. Graduates of SMSU?s Culinology program will be trained first as a chef, a culinarian, a food focused individual, dedicated to producing the finest possible combination of ingredients to achieve palate-pleasing results. SMSU?s Culinology graduates will also be a researcher who uses scientific methods and knowledge to insure their creativity can be enjoyed far beyond the confines of their kitchen or laboratory.

A wide variety of job opportunities are available to SMSU graduates. Graduates may go to work with major food manufacturers, custom manufacturing facilities, restaurant chains, etc., in positions such as: Research and Development Chef, TecnoChef?, Product Development Manager, Corporate Chef, Culinary Research and Development Director, Culinary Research Technologist, Savory Lab Manager, Product Formulation Chef, and Manager of Culinology.