Skinny or baggy. Blue or black. Basic or haute. Maybe a wash, some trim, a touch of spandex for stretch and fit. Just a pair of jeans?but so many elements make it what it is. In the end, its all about the fabric the hand, the texture, the color, the rinse. And it's the textile developer who understands every detail, making sure the designers creation looks and performs exactly as it should.

Fashion and home furnishings fabrics are a major part of the multibillion-dollar global textile industry, from organic cotton to bamboo to high-tech performance fabrics for extreme sports like snowboarding. There's a growing demand for professionals who can develop, produce, and market the right textiles at the right price, while ensuring that production meets quality and legal standards. The emerging markets present more opportunities for those with a global perspective. TDM graduates work with the industry's most famous designers and product developers, and the companies that produce and market their products around the world.


  • New York City, with its vast creative and commercial resources, is your extended campus?offering?internships, field trips, guest lectures, and industry-sponsored projects make strong industry connections through the faculty and the departments close ties to alumni and industry leaders.
  • This technologically innovative major includes one of the country's strongest knitting and weaving programs, featuring Stoll knit-and-wear technology and jacquard hand looms, used to create intricate tapestries.
  • The TDM Denim Project, sponsored by Cotton Incorporated, is a unique opportunity for students to work together to develop, design, manufacture, and market a product line.??

In this program, you'll:

  • make strong industry connections through the faculty and the departments close ties to alumni and industry leaders.
  • master the skills to manage a wide variety of activities, from research to development to troubleshooting, in the major textile-producing regions around the world.?