The major begins with the core program of five courses: art and technology, drawing, sculpture, photography, and painting. Students then take art history courses and a range of studio courses leading to study in their area of specialization. After 20 credits of advanced, specialized study, students take Senior Thesis Exhibition, Art History concentrations will take Advanced Research Projects. Visual Arts students also enjoy many opportunities to earn college credit as interns, working with artists or art organizations. In addition, courses with field work components provide opportunities for experiential learning in specific areas of student interest. Ramapo students have consistently developed competitive portfolios which have enabled them to advance their studies in graduate school, enter the professional art world, and work in art-related fields such as Art Therapy. We offer a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts joint program with the Master of Counseling with a Mental Health Counseling/Art Therapy Specialization at Caldwell University.
Many of our students successfully participate in the teacher education certification program and find employment in elementary and secondary schools.
The Visual Arts are taught within a liberal arts context that makes the study and practice of art relevant to non-majors as well as majors. The study of art not only improves creative problem-solving, self-confidence in expression and enhances aesthetic satisfaction, but also reveals the social, political and ideological concerns of the culture that produces it. The art history curriculum in particular, develops this understanding, allowing the student to make essential connections among the world, the work of art, the artist, and the viewer. In addition, The College Galleries, directed by Sydney Jenkins, are an important teaching component of the major, bringing nationally recognized artists and curators to the college.