The Integrated Science Studies major is designed to meet a growing professional and cultural need for people whose knowledge of science is directed to its use, expression, and administration in both the private and public sectors. Students in the major are expected not only to achieve specific competencies in the sciences but also critical understandings of the roles of the sciences in social, political, and economic contexts.

Emphasis in the major is placed on the breadth and depth of the foundational science curriculum. Students acquire detailed knowledge of the sciences and mathematics by engaged study in a range of courses, most of which are laboratory courses?from chemistry, physics, and biology to geology, ecology, and environmental science. The foundational courses have been selected to establish a broad base for study, while allowing flexibility and opportunities to pursue more specific interests at the upper levels. At the upper level, students take five courses in their elected concentration: Science, Technology and Society; Science Journalism, Business Administration, or Public Policy/Administration. The major is completed with a capstone course on science writing, which allows the student to complete the integration of the foundational sciences with each other and with the concentration courses.