Medical lab scientists are professionals who are involved in providing laboratory data crucial for clinical diagnoses essential for patient therapy. Responsibilities of medical lab scientists vary and may include analysis of blood and body fluids, microorganism identification and diagnosis of infection, and managing laboratory information.
Because all Ramapo College and Theoretical and Applied Science requirements need to be completed in the three years the student spends at Ramapo, students should anticipate taking 16-18 credits per semester. Of these, at least two courses per semester will be in the sciences in order to fulfill the prerequisites.
The application deadline for the Rutgers SHRP Clinical Lab Science program is October 15 for classes beginning in June. (Applications can certainly be submitted earlier.) Thus the typical student should submit his/her application in the fall of the junior year to be eligible to commence the professional component at Rutgers SHRP after the spring semester.
Applications received after the deadline will be considered only if enrollment capacity in the majors has not been reached.