The Master of Plant and Soil Science includes ones of the following specialization areas: crop science, soil science, crop protection, and fibers and biopolymers.

This nonthesis degree program requires a minimum of 36 semester hours of graduate coursework and is considered a terminal degree. A maximum of six hours of coursework from another institution may be evaluated for transfer to Texas Tech University. Students must take the last six semester credit hours from Texas Tech University. An oral exam is required during the graduating semester.

Master of Science degree students may pursue either the thesis or nonthesis option. The thesis option (24 hours of graduate course work plus six hours of thesis research) is designed for students who intend to pursue a Ph.D. An oral exam over the research is required for the thesis option. The nonthesis option (36 hours of graduate course work) is considered a terminal degree. An oral exam is required during the graduating semester for the nonthesis option.

A Master of Science degree at a distance is available in both Horticulture and Plant and Soil Science; each requires a minimum of 36 hours of graduate course work without a thesis. Students must take the last 6 semester credit hours from Texas Tech and an oral exam is required during the graduating semester.