This program is not a substitute for a traditional master’s degree; rather, it is designed for students with broader interests in several fields or for those whose career goals do not match fully with a single identifiable academic unit or department. Emphasis is placed on continued intellectual and cultural development in a constantly changing society in which new career interests may extend over several traditional specializations.

Each program, exclusive of those tracks with required courses, is developed individually according to the student’s interests and background. Among the few restrictions are the requirements that work be taken in at least three different subject areas with typically 12 hours from any one area, within at least two different colleges. Some programs (departments/colleges) have specific prerequisites for students taking their courses so students are encouraged to discuss their options with those program advisors.

Most students pursue the 36-hour non-thesis plan, but the thesis option (24 hours of graduate coursework plus 6 hours of thesis [6000]) may be appropriate. For the 36-hour non-thesis option, students may choose the master’s examination, an internship, a project report, or the portfolio as their final comprehensive component of their program.