Many courses offer perspectives on interpersonal and family behavior through development of the infant, child, adolescent, young adult (courtship, early marriage), middle-aged adult (divorce-remarriage, parenthood), and older adult (widowhood, grandparenthood). Some courses also focus on important social issues that affect individual and family functioning (e.g., violence). Courses at the upper-division level provide professional training for students seeking employment in such diverse occupations as family life educator, extension service specialist, probation officer, child development specialist, or child care administrator.

Famy Studies Teacher Certificaton

Family studies majors can choose an option which includes teacher certification in family and consumer sciences. The specialization provides a background in all family and consumer science subject areas, a specialization in family studies, and a certification to teach in Texas public school systems grades 6-12. Students seeking teacher certification must meet all requirements outlined in the Teacher Education section of the college catalog. To be recommended for certification, graduates must achieve satisfactory performance on an examination prescribed by the State Board of Education (ExCET).