• MSc in Chemical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts is a 2-3 years program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on both a full-time and a part-time basis.
  • The Chemical Engineering program provides the opportunity for graduate students to study the fundamentals and applications of chemical engineering principles at an advanced level.
  • The departmental programs encompass both traditional areas of chemical and nuclear engineering and modern frontier areas such as advanced engineered materials, biotechnology, and computer-aided process design and controls. 
  • The program requires the successful completion of 24 credit hours of course work, excluding a seminar, plus at least six hours in preparation of an acceptable thesis, or 27 credit hours of classwork, excluding a seminar, plus three hours in preparation of a special project.
  • Students who have received a research assistantship will be required to submit an acceptable thesis. A thesis must be defended in an oral examination conducted by the student’s thesis committee.
  • Students also must enroll in at least two semesters of a graduate seminar.
  • The core requirements consist of one course each in advanced mathematics, thermal/fluid processes, and solid mechanics. A minimum of four total courses must be taken from the following core areas.