Enrollment in the program is open to individuals with a baccalaureate degree in science (e.g., biology, chemistry, geology, physics). Others may be admitted with the approval of the graduate coordinator. Undergraduate course prerequisites must be satisfied. Students may make up course prerequisite deficiencies while in the program, although these credits will not count toward the total required for the master's degree. Frequently students entering the program are required to take additional undergraduate courses to develop analytical skills and to prepare for advanced level course work. Undergraduate courses may include calculus, statistics, chemistry, computer programming or courses designed to develop problem-solving skills.

The thesis track requires completion of an approved program of study involving a minimum of 24 credits of core courses and electives, and six credits of thesis, consisting of laboratory research or scholarly investigation for a total of 30 credits. Students may only register for thesis research with the prior approval of a thesis advisor.

The thesis work is to be guided by a principal advisor who is a member of the University of Massachusetts Lowell faculty and by two additional committee members, at least one of whom must be a member of the faculty. Committee selection and the thesis topic are subject to the approval of the graduate coordinator. The non-thesis track requires completion of an approved program of study involving 30 credits of core courses and electives. All individual programs of study must include a list of core courses.