To accomplish the program's objectives, graduates with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from California State University Northridge will meet the following educational objectives:

  • Understand advanced electrical- and computer-engineering principles, including in-depth training in one of the fundamental areas of electrical engineering.
  • Apply advanced analysis, design and research methods to solve problems in electrical and computer engineering.
  • Apply industry practices, emerging technologies, state-of-the-art design techniques and software tools to electrical and computer engineering problems.
  • Communicate clearly through the appropriate communication medium.
  • Appreciate the importance of lifelong learning and be motivated by a sense of exploration to continue learning.

Student OutcomesGraduates of the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program at CSUN will have an ability to:

  • Apply knowledge of advanced principles to the analysis of electrical and computer engineering problems.
  • Apply knowledge of advanced techniques to the design of electrical and computer engineering systems.
  • Apply the appropriate industry practices, emerging technologies, state-of-the-art design techniques, software tools and research methods for solving electrical and computer engineering problems.
  • Use the appropriate state-of-the-art engineering references and resources, including IEEE research journals and industry publications, to find the best solutions to electrical and computer engineering problems.
  • Communicate clearly and use the appropriate medium, including written, oral and electronic methods.
  • Maintain lifelong learning and continue to be motivated to learn new subjects.
  • Learn new subjects that are required to solve problems in the industry without being dependent on a classroom environment.
  • Be competitive in the engineering job market and/or be admitted to an excellent Ph.D. program.