This degree will prepare students for a career in any of the following:

  • Medical imaging and health information industry
  • Military healthcare system
  • General healthcare industry including hospital enterprise, HMO, and private enterprise. The MSBME program is also suitable for you if you intend to continue in graduate school or medical school.
  • Healthcare entrepreneur
  • Medical school.

Topics covered include PACS application servers; digital-based teleconsultation with medical images; PACS-based CAD, informatics infrastructure of micro CT, MR, and PET; image-based neurosurgical Comm and Module; PACS simulator, image security in HIPAA environment, bone age assessment from a hand digital atlas; homeland defense strategies; medical simulation and modeling; data grid for image data disaster recovery; Cyberknife information system for brain tumor treatment, DICOM-based radiotherapy information system, and much more.