• The competition among cities is already underway. In 2006, half of the world’s population resided in urban areas. Within a generation, fully 70% of the world’s population is expected to live in urban areas. This means billions of new residents for cities around the world and new challenges for real estate everywhere. In the United States, urbanization has being on-going since industrialization. But after 100 years of spreading out, the next wave of growth and change in cities will be in revitalized downtowns, in maturing suburban cores, and across transformed neighborhoods.
  • Successful real estate leaders must be able to navigate an increasingly complex profession. Whether they work in real estate development, finance, or investment, build industrial warehouses or multifamily apartments, the best real estate professionals must know how to operate within the fields of finance and capital markets, regional and city planning, environmental regulation, architectural design, and public policy.
  • The Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Development at the USC Price School of Public Policy offers the most comprehensive undergraduate real estate education in the country. All facets of real estate development, finance, and investment are covered while simultaneously providing students with a solid understanding of the broader context in which real estate operates.