• Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at the University of California Los Angeles is a 4-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • The department offers seven major courses in this program:
    • Mathematics
    • Applied Mathematics
    • Data Theory
    • Financial Actuarial Mathematics
    • Mathematics of Computation
    • Mathematics/Applied Science
    • Mathematics for Teaching. 
  • In this program, students learn about mathematical content knowledge of single and multivariate differential and integral calculus, and differential equations.
  • To enter the program, students must complete the 6 sequenced courses with a 2.5 minimum overall grade-point average, have completed one 12-unit term in residence in regular sessions at UCLA, are enrolled in UCLA regular session at the time of application, and before completing 160 quarter units.
  • The classes are held during the fall quarter.
  • Students get the opportunity to attend a new student orientation which includes workshops and presentations and information on graduate programs, professional schools, and career opportunities.
  • Students get the ability to perform basic computer programming, especially in C++ programming language.
  • If students wish to enroll in Mathematics 1, 3A, 31A, or 31AL, they must pass the Mathematics Diagnostic Test.