Students study both the theory of physics and experiment using those theories as a guide. At USU, all students participate in faculty-mentored research, gaining valuable experience in campus research centers and laboratories. This makes USU students better prepared for entrance into either the workforce or graduate school.

Beyond the experimental facilities at USU, many students are involved in theoretical work, data analysis, and computer simulations in general relativity and field theory, space weather forecasting, surface science, and complex system applications. There is also a Physics Learning Center available for undergraduate physics students where physics graduate students provide individualized help with homework concerns.

The Physics Department is home to an active, national-award-winning chapter of the Society of Physics Students. Its students and faculty have also been recipients of prestigious national awards, including a Rhodes Scholar, two Carnegie Professors, Goldwater Scholars, and more.Students receive a BS by completing all required courses in the major. To receive a BA, students must also gain proficiency in one or more foreign languages.The BA and BS degree without an emphasis is designed for students with a strong interest in physics, but no intention of pursuing the study of physics or a related discipline at the advanced level.

  • Professional: The professional emphasis prepares students who wish to establish careers in research to enter graduate-level education studying physics, astronomy, materials science, applied mathematics, and other related areas of physical science and engineering.
  • Applied: This emphasis is recommended for students preparing for graduate work in applied physics, engineering physics, materials science, or an interdisciplinary area, such as biophysics, medical physics, geophysics, or chemical physics.

While students who graduate in physics commonly continue on to graduate school, they can also pursue careers in the following areas:

  •     Lab technician
  •     Engineer aide
  •     Technical writer
  •     Research in industrial laboratories and governmental laboratories
  •     Technological industry
  •     Business