The program is intended to introduce students to the study of law and politics, with an emphasis on the American Constitution. The program focuses on how constitutional rules affect political and economic processes. Students study the theory, history, economics, and development of constitutional thought. They also learn about natural and civil rights, a market economy, a self-governing citizenry, voluntary associations, and the rule of law.Through an intensive program of constitutional study, this major equips students with the intellectual tools and understanding of constitutional principles necessary to enter graduate study or law school, as well as a variety of other professions.USU’s political science professors are committed to quality teaching, mentoring, advising, and research, and consistently win department, college, and university awards for their work. The department also hosts prominent experts on law and the Constitution as guest speakers, such as Justice Antonin Scalia of the U.S. Supreme Court. Students also have ample opportunities for internships in federal and state legislatures, regulatory agencies, lobbying firms, think tanks, corporations and international organizations.

Students receive a BS by completing all required courses in the major. To receive a BA, students must also gain proficiency in one or more foreign languages.

 Law and constitutional studies majors can work in many areas related to government, and they are also well prepared for graduate studies and law school. Graduates with a bachelor’s degree can pursue the following careers:

  •     Government work
  •     U.S. Senate and House staff
  •     Lobbyist
  •     Foreign service officer
  •     Intelligence analyst
  •     Federal reserve system manager
  •     Campaign consultant
  •     Legislative analyst
  •     Consultant