The programs are available online through part-time study, including some face-to-face classes provided in Little Rock and, in special instances, in other states.

Master of Arts in Rehabilitation of the Blind Orientation & Mobility

The Master of Arts in Rehabilitation of the Blind: Orientation and Mobility program develops skills in teaching both congenitally and adventitiously blind and low-vision persons in a wide range of education and rehabilitation agencies nationwide. The program offers an emphasis in orientation and mobility instruction. The program is open to both full-time and part-time students. Many of the courses are offered in a web-based format. Students may expect to enroll in one to three?online courses each semester (two courses is the recommended maximum).Due to several significant budget cuts and the forthcoming retirement of the only faculty member in the Rehabilitation Teaching/Vision Rehabilitation Therapy Program, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) is suspending admissions to the RT/VRT. The Orientation & Mobility and Rehabilitation Counseling Programs will continue.This emphasis teaches a reliable system for establishing and maintaining awareness of one?s position in the environment (orientation) and fostering freedom and spontaneity of movement (mobility). It enables blind and low-vision persons to overcome the severe problems of mobility by teaching them to travel safely, efficiently, and confidently.

The online Master of Arts degree program in Orientation and Mobility prepares professionals to provide orientation and mobility services to people who are blind or visually impaired. Orientation & Mobility specialists provide consumers with skills to maximize environmental information and to process and utilize it to make judgments and decisions for independent travel while using their remaining vision, long canes or dog guides. The program provides the course work and supervised fieldwork experiences required for certification by the Academy for the Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP).

Students must commit to coming to Little Rock for two consecutive summers to enroll in the blindfold simulation classes and student teaching. Summer classes usually run for the last three weeks in June, and students receive free room and some meals either at the Arkansas School for the Blind or at World Services for the Blind, where classes are held. In exchange for the living accommodations, students must agree to assist in light recreational duties (or student teaching responsibilities) with the children at the school. Internships may be arranged in the student?s home community under the supervision of a certified O&M instructor. Students adhering to a prescribed program of study may be able to complete the degree in 2.5-3 years.