Welcome to one of the most vibrant and highly regarded computer science programs in the state ? Computer Science University of Arkansas at Little Roc, in the Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology (EIT). We seek to prepare students for careers as computer scientists in business and industry, to train students in software and hardware design and development, and to prepare students for advanced study in computer science. We offer Bachelor of Science and the Master of Science degrees in Computer Science as well as the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Integrated Computing.

We are proud of our heritage as a student-learning focused department that educates its students to be outstanding computing professionals. We are continually responding to an urgent need for fundamental changes in the education of future computer scientists to insure that they are well prepared for their ever-more demanding professional roles.

These demands relate to success in the job market, responsibilities toward employers, customers and society, and responsibilities as developers of powerful and pervasive technologies. In addition to strong technical and management skills, we seek to educate our students as future software designers with the requisite skills to design customized products and integrated services that meet the diverse needs of a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and increasingly smaller world united by rapid technological advances.

We are primarily committed to helping our students excel in computer science research and education ? aided by our caring faculty that values personal interactions to enable student success. Our graduates hold excellent jobs in various national and international companies and have gone on to pursue advanced degrees at many prestigious institutions.

On behalf of our faculty, I extend our warmest welcome, and encourage you to explore our department more closely and thoroughly. While our faculty members are noted scholars in their respective professional fields, we come together with a vested interest in engaging our students in many interesting ways. If you are contemplating pursuit of a degree in Computer Science or a related area, there?s nothing like visiting our campus to experience the campus life at UALR and to get to know our faculty and staff. Come and experience our commitment to your success!