In pursuit of the program’s mission, the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering has established the Educational Objectives given below:The graduate of the University of Nebraska Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering:

Performs as a chemical engineer

Contributes with satisfying progress toward the level at which he or she chooses to engage in professional practice in industry, academics, allied or alternate fields.Pursues a career as a practicing engineer in diverse fields such as chemical process industries, biochemical technology, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, energy, polymers/advanced materials, food processing, medicine/medical research, environment or safety; pursues an academic career to teach, research and serve the community

Applies engineering and scientific principles

Uses engineering and economic analyses, modern engineering tools and techniques with existing practical constraints and limitations to create solutions that are economical and sustainable.Interacts successfully with a wide range of people.Exercises care and responsibility in broad and diverse interpersonal interactions by effectively listening, speaking, writing and presenting

Incorporates safety, ethics, and environmental protection in all engineering practices

Understands the importance of safety, health, and environmental protection in all engineering practices. Upholds the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Code of Ethics and advises colleagues and the public on consequences presenting adverse effects on health, safety and the environment.