Specialized classes follow in stage management, theatre management, and beginning and advanced directing. The culmination of the emphasis is four mentored projects in the student’s area of specialty or a combination of projects in several areas.

  • Demonstrate proficiency in basic performance skills: use of the body, use of the voice, text analysis for performance, and an ability to create truth in imaginary circumstances.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the process of producing a play: play selection, script analysis, creating a concept, casting, creating and meeting deadlines, working effectively with actors, staging movement coaching vocal work, collaborating with designers and other members of the production team, working through technical rehearsals to a finished performance, and being able to give and receive criticism.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in stage management skills: mastering organizational procedures, rehearsal, meeting and performance protocol; collaborating with the director, designers, and actors; anticipating and solving problems; writing and calling the technical cues; managing all aspects of the performance and maintaining the artistic integrity of the performance after it is open.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in theatre management skills: understanding the process of strategic planning; mastering team-building and organizational procedures; developing and implementing marketing and audience development plans; researching and writing grant proposals; anticipating and solving problems related to company management including union requirements; managing all aspects of front-of-house from audience management to usher coordination and ticket office procedures.
  • Demonstrate readiness to enter a professional internship, entry-level position with a theatre company, or gain entrance into a graduate training program for more specialized work.