The program at the has applications in the discovery and use of mineral resources, fuels, and water; in protection of the environment; and in planning for natural limitations (earthquakes, landslides, resources, etc.) on societal development.

Grow Your Future:

The median pay for geoscientists in the US in 2012 was $90,890. Jobs in geoscience are expected to grow at the rate of 16% through 2022. (Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics) Jobs in the geosciences accepted by students with bachelor?s degrees include those in Oil & Gas (36%), Environmental Services (21%), Mining (11%), Government (11%), and K-12 Education (4%).(Source: Status of Recent Geoscience Graduates, 2013. American Geosciences Institute)

Career opportunities in Geological Sciences:

  • Petroleum Geologist
  • Hydrogeologist
  • Engineering geologist
  • Environmental geologist
  • Geophysicist
  • Economic geologist
  • Geomorphologist
  • Paleoclimatologist
  • Volcanologist
  • Seismologist
  • Geochemist
  • Glaciologist
  • Mineralogist
  • Sedimentologist