What You'll Study:

The major from the combines mathematics, statistics, and economics. The major offers a strong preparation in the fundamentals of both economics and mathematics. The program prepares students to go directly into the business world with skills that are in high demand, or to go on to graduate study in economics or finance use.

Grow Your Future:

There are excellent job opportunities in all areas of risk management. Many of the Mathematical Economics majors go into the actuarial profession after graduation. The major is also provides a strong foundation for graduate work in mathematics, economics, finance, and operations research.

Career opportunities in Mathematical Economics:

  • Economist   
  • Management accountant
  • Actuary
  • Bank Examiner  
  • Market Research 
  • Analyst
  • Financial Analyst  
  • Marketing/Sales manager
  • Financial Planner  
  • Claims Examiner  
  • Investment Manager
  • International Trade 
  • Specialist  Real Estate Investor
  • Statistician
  • Teacher