What You'll Study:

course at  is an interdisciplinary program combining resources from English, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, computer science, and the foreign languages, to develop an understanding of the nature and implications of human language. The program provides solid foundations in phonological and grammatical analysis, as well as opportunities to investigate the social, cultural, psychological, and physical aspects of language use.


Grow Your Future:

A degree in linguistics gives students excellent preparation for careers in computing and technology; clinical fields relating to speech and language; international business and education; publishing; and many other professions. Linguistic majors are also prepared to continue their education in graduate studies. Possible occupations for linguistic majors include but are not limited to the following:

Career opportunities in Linguistics:

  • Computational Linguistics
  • Language Educators
  • Translators
  • Publishing
  • Law
  • National Security
  • Government
  • Business
  • Editors
  • Entertainment