Statistics offices are located on the third floor of the Multidisciplinary Science Building. Department computing is managed by the College of Arts and Sciences computing networ at University of Kentucky . Every faculty member and graduate student has a dedicated computer running Windows XP or Vista and supplied with a variety of office and statistical software. A science library is available locally which contains books and journals in statistics and mathematics.

The majority of these journal resources are also available electronically on department computers. Finally, many of the department courses are taught using two dedicated computer labs in the adjacent classroom building. Faculty and graduate students have networked PCs running Windows XP and supplied with a variety of office and statistical software. In addition, the classroom building has two dedicated computer labs for the Statistics Department, featuring state-of-the-art equipment and the major statistical software packages.

In addition to coursework, students can participate in a number of student based organizations such as the Graduate Student Congress or the Statistics Students Association. Many advanced students also participate in research throughout campus as research assistants in other departments. Students from the department have taken positions in industry, government, and academics.