The ultimate goal of our MS programs in Geology and Geophysics is to produce students who have the capacity to develop and perform research at the cutting edge of the geological sciences as professionals in industry and in the government. We also expect MS students in Geology and Geophysics to have well developed skills in scientific communication and be able to converse effectively both to peers and to the general public. The Department of Geology and Geophysics has developed the following specific goals for its MS program:

  • Students in the MS program will receive a quality graduate education, including specialized technical training in a core discipline that is current, relevant, practical, and personal.
  • MS students who graduate with appropriate grades will be able to compete successfully for admission to PhD programs at graduate schools worldwide.
  • MS students who graduate with appropriate grades will be well prepared for entry-level positions as professionals within their, and other related, disciplines.

We recognize that: 

  • graduate students merit a quality education that is nationally competitive and
  • employment and further graduate opportunities are strongly project-driven and require numeracy, computer literacy and skills in oral and written communication in addition to a current and relevant knowledge of their discipline.