A capable philosopher is able to construct good arguments, spot the weaknesses in bad ones, and express abstract thoughts in clear language. For this reason, students of philosophy tend to do well in many other disciplines and professions.

Through highly individualized tuition, Franklin & Marshall Philosophy students receive a personalized learning experience. The intimate nature of the program is reflected by an impressive student-to-faculty ratio of 5:1.

Each year the department brings in some of the most prominent figures in the field to speak and engage with current students. Recent speakers have included Phillip Cafaro from Colorado State University, Colin Klein from the University of Illinois, and Stephen Darwall from Yale Univeristy..

We are a close-knit community that often gathers for philosophical discussions and fun outside the classroom.

A major or minor in Philosophy is the perfect complement to a complete liberal arts education and prepares students for a wide range of professions and admission to elite graduate programs.

The Philosophy Department also offers an additional major through the interdisciplinary program in Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind, sponsored and jointly staffed by the Philosophy and Psychology Departments.