Each of these areas draws on techniques and perspectives that are a focus in other approaches to music. Musical composition, for example, is not an entirely intuitive process, but makes use of knowledge gained through the study of music theory. Similarly, performance is most profound when it is informed by an understanding of the context for a work?s style, and the history of musical style is myopic without taking into account the culture in which a style developed.

The Music Department offers courses in all of these areas that are open to students with no formal background in music. All of its ensembles are open to the entire student body, and some private lessons are offered at the beginning level; there are also courses in music theory and in music history and culture that are specifically oriented to students with little or no previous background in music. At the same time, there are many offerings for students who have already made music an important element of their lives.

Many students choose to complete a major or minor in music whether or not they intend to undertake a musical career. Students going to medical school, for example, have often chosen to major in music, knowing that they want a lifelong involvement in music as an avocation. On the other hand, students who have chosen to go to graduate school in music or enter the music industry have found that their preparation through the music major program had prepared them well. Two music minor programs also offer an organization to the study of music that goes beyond a single course or participation in a single ensemble.