The Film & Media Studies curriculum deliberately integrates practical skills, historical knowledge, and critical thinking. It also deliberately emphasizes the ways in which the study of moving images connects to, borrows from, and enriches other disciplines, from every division of the College. So our majors develop an exceptionally well-rounded understanding of moving images. At the same time, our program provides majors with the resources and support they need to pursue particular interests in depth. Resources and support include production equipment, grants for student work, internship opportunities, face-to-face contact with professionals, and lots of individualized attention from the faculty. Majors have carried out advanced projects in areas ranging from narrative filmmaking, to media management, to the psychology of cinema.

Because of their broad knowledge and their specific skills, graduates of the Film & Media Studies program at F&M are well prepared for a wide range of careers, not just in film and the media, but also in communications, business, scientific research, higher education, and many other fields.