The world needs more thinkers, writers, artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, policy makers, inventors, and educators with deep foundations in environmental knowledge and perspectives. Humans shape and are shaped by their environment, reflect upon it in works of art and literature, and depend upon it for every need. A source of beauty, meaning and inspiration, it demands our careful attention. Environmental Studies represents and epitomizes a liberal arts education; nothing less is required to meet the environmental challenges of the twenty-first century.
F&?s Environmental Studies major, located in a traditionally strong natural science department, boasts depth in public policy and social sciences, with diverse offerings in the humanities. Our program highlights the intersections of human history and values with environmental change. Through the study of literature, writing, political science, business, history, law, and other fields, our students explore the complex interactions of physical and biological processes with cultural, political and economic forces.
Environmental Studies uses an interdisciplinary approach to study critical issues of our times, like global warming, ecotourism, and wilderness protection. Interaction with the Public Policy Program, the Wohlsen Center for the Sustainable Environment, the Local Economy Center, and various campus sustainability initiatives takes advantage of interest in the environment across the College community.
Study abroad is encouraged. Contacts with local, state, and national environmental professionals enhance the program, and generate possibilities for internships and employment.