Students complete a curriculum designed to provide them with a broad-based education and the specialized skills necessary for a successful career in the agri-food industry or with a related organization or public agency.

Students graduating with a major in food and agricultural business have many career options. Many graduates take positions in management or marketing with businesses involved in the farm input supply sector. This would include large multinational corporations that manufacture inputs such as machinery, chemicals, and feed, as well as local retailers of such items. Other graduates manage operations involved in the production of agricultural commodities or the processing of food products. Graduates also find career opportunities with food distribution and retailing companies serving as managers, marketing representatives, or in areas of customer service and public relations. 

Graduates are employed in financial institutions, insurance agencies, or real estate companies. Many industry organizations and government agencies also have employment opportunities for our graduates. It is not uncommon for our graduates to take positions with businesses that are outside the agri-food industry. Graduates also find themselves well prepared for graduate study in agricultural and resource economics or agribusiness management, as well as for professional programs such as law