Electrical Engineering deals with the application of the physical laws governing charged particles. From miniature integrated circuits that contain millions of microelectronic devices, to high-speed fiber-optic communication systems that span international boundaries, electrical engineering impacts every aspect of modern-day living.

Electrical engineering is unique among the engineering disciplines because of its wide range of applications. Subject areas within electrical engineering are so diverse that it is not always apparent that here is an underlying connection. The range of subjects is not only broad but is also expanding.

The program educational objectives of the electrical engineering program are:

  • Graduates who enter professional practice will demonstrate progression toward positions of technical responsibility or managerial leadership in their discipline.
  • Graduates who pursue full-time graduate or advanced professional study will successfully complete their programs of study in their discipline.
  • Graduates will meet their own and societal needs that are consistent with the goals of life-long learning, professional ethics, and leadership.