The committee assists the student with his or her thesis or project work and conducts the final examination. If the minor in statistics is part of the student’s program, one member of the committee must be from the Department of Statistics. The major professor and the student are responsible for forming the committee and advising the graduate secretary. This is required for the completion of the Application for Admission to Candidacy form.

  • A student presenting a thesis or project must pass a comprehensive oral examination. In the case of a project, this is supplemented by a written exam, which is determined by the student’s graduate committee. The examination, which is concerned with coursework and the thesis or project work, is to determine the ability of the candidate to integrate material in the major and related fields. 
  • The final draft of the thesis or project document, approved by the major professor, must be distributed to all committee members at least two weeks prior to the date of the final examination. Students in the MS/MBA dual degree program in manufacturing will take a comprehensive written examination near the end of the summer semester in which the six semester hour “integrated culminating experience in manufacturing engineering and management” is taken.