Overall goals of the program are emphasized in the educational objectives and program outcomes statements listed below. Program details are given in the showcase curricula and the individual course descriptions.

Career opportunities for graduates include the design, development, or management of practices that produce biofuels, minimize soil erosion, and conserve water resources and manage stormwater; biological waste treatment systems; safer machinery systems with lower environmental impact; and improved food and bio-processing systems. Employment opportunities are available in a wide variety of industries, government agencies, research and testing organizations, and educational and non-profit institutions.

The curriculum provides instruction in the analytical and design skills needed to solve engineering problems related to biological and agricultural systems. Comprehensive design of systems and their components is emphasized in the senior year. In addition to the standard biosystems engineering curriculum, a pre-professional concentration is available. The degree program has provisions for elective courses to be taken in specified subject areas. Proper scheduling of courses is very important since prerequisite requirements must be met. Students must consult with their advisors each semester to review their scheduling plan.

The biosystems engineering program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has specific program educational objectives that follow the objectives of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. In order to meet the objectives of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, program graduates will receive the educational tools necessary to perform as entry-level engineering professionals or to be successful in graduate or professional schools. Recent graduates are prepared to:

  • be successful in securing employment in the profession or a position in graduate or professional school,
  • continue developing as professionals,
  • demonstrate success in their chosen career paths,
  • perform in a manner that reflects positively on the program and institution's reputation.