The Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Soil Sciences provides students with a strong grounding in basic sciences or engineering technology to prepare them for a broad range of possible careers. Students in this program choose between two general thrusts: Science and Engineering Technology.

The science thrust provides options for three concentrations: Soil Science, Environmental Science, and Conservation Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability. All provide a very strong basis in the natural sciences, as well as applied areas such as ecology, soil sciences, and natural resource policy. Students also build expertise with modern technologies such as geographical information systems, global positioning systems, and computer applications in natural resource management. 

Graduates are prepared to work in a wide variety of interesting and challenging career paths and to work with a broad variety of other professionals to solve complex problems. Examples of potential careers include soil and environmental specialists and scientists; state and federal regulatory agency work; private consulting in environmental and agricultural areas; and working with non-governmental organizations with interests in agriculture, environment, and natural resources. Students receiving this degree are also very competitive for placement in graduate programs in environmental and agricultural sciences and technology, as well as law school.