A student must pass one examination by the middle of his/her third year and both examinations by the middle of his/her fourth year. A student may not take any examinations after four failures.

In addition to the two year-long sequences chosen for the written examinations, a student must take six other one-semester 500-600 level courses. At least five of these courses must be chosen from the following list grouped by examination?area ? algebra (MATH 551-MATH 552,?MATH 555-MATH 556), analysis (MATH 545-MATH 546,?MATH 545-MATH 547), computational and applied mathematics (MATH 571-MATH 572,?MATH 574,?MATH 577,?MATH 578), differential equations (MATH 513-MATH 514,?MATH 515-MATH 516,?MATH 531-MATH 532,?MATH 535-MATH 536,?MATH 537-MATH 538,?MATH 581-MATH 582,?MATH 585), stochastics (MATH 521-MATH 522,?MATH 523-MATH 524,?MATH 525-MATH 526), and topology-geometry (MATH 561-MATH 562,?MATH 567-MATH 568). The sixth course may be either a 500-level course listed above or a 600-level mathematics course not used to satisfy bullet #5. These six courses must contain a year-long sequence in an area different from the two written examinations and at least two areas different from the two written examinations. A grade of B or better is required in each of the?six courses.