The program of study requires a minimum of 72 graduate credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree, exclusive of credit for the master's thesis. This includes a minimum of 36 graduate credit hours of course work beyond the bachelor's degree and 24-36 credit hours of doctoral research and dissertation work. For a master's program completed at another institution or in another field, the requirement may exceed the 36 credit hours of course work (other than research and dissertation) dependent on the previous program of study. The student's major professor, with the concurrence of the dissertation committee, will prepare a program plan outlining what courses will be taken. The student's dissertation committee should include at least two ISE tenure-track or tenured faculty members and at least one member out of the ISE department.

The student needs to satisfactorily pass a comprehensive examination administered by the student's dissertation committee. The exam results are reported to the graduate director and filed in the department. The comprehensive exam is given when the student is ready to apply for admission to candidacy. The comprehensive examination consists of both written and oral parts. The student must demonstrate a mastery of the dissertation area, ability to think analytically and creatively, skill in using academic resources, and ability to complete the dissertation satisfactorily. A minimum of 6 months must separate the comprehensive examination and the dissertation defense. The student needs a successful public defense of the dissertation to reserve the degree.